Cambridge IELTS 4 General Training Reading Test B Answer Key

Book 4 general training reading test B answer

Reading section -1
Booking a Wessex Cottages Holiday reading answers
  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. TRUE
  4. TRUE
  5. FALSE
  6. FALSE
  7. FALSE
Advertisements for local businesses reading answers
  1. B
  2. D
  3. K
  4. L
  5. G
  6. J
  7. A
Reading section- 2
Courses available at North Coast college campuses reading answers
  1. B
  2. H
  3. K
  4. E
  5. D
  6. I
  7. F
Information on photocopying reading answers
  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  5. FALSE
  6. FALSE
Reading section -3
Understanding Bee behaviour reading answers
  1. vi
  2. iv
  3. x
  4. viii
  5. vii
  6. ii
  7. v

     35, 36 & 37 IN ANY ORDER

  1. the feeding dish
  2. the food (source)
  3. the sun