Cambridge IELTS 13 Academic Reading Test 3 Answer Key

Cambridge 13 Reading Test 3 answers
Reading Passage - 1
The coconut palm

The coconut palm reading answers

  1. furniture
  2. sugar
  3. ropes
  4. charcoal
  5. bowls
  6. hormones
  7. cosmetics
  8. dynamite
  9. FALSE
  10. FALSE
  12. TRUE
Reading Passage - 2
How baby talk gives infant brains a boost

How baby talk gives infant brains a boost reading answers

  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. recording devices
  6. fathers / dads
  7. bridge hypothesis
  8. repertoire
  9. (audio-recording) vests
  10. vocabulary
  11. F
  12. A
  13. E
Reading Passage - 3
Whatever happened to the Harappan Civilisation?

Whatever happened to the Harappan Civilisation reading answers

  1. C
  2. H
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. shells
  7. lake
  8. rainfall
  9. grains
  10. pottery
  11. B
  12. A
  13. D
  14. A

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