Cambridge IELTS Book 1 Listening Answer Key

Cambridge Book 1 - Test 4 Listening Answers

Section - 1

Students Listening Answers

  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. D
  6. Julia Perkins (must be correct spelling
    with capital letters)
  7. 15 Waratah Road (must be correct
    spelling of Waratah with capital letter)
  1. Brisbane (must have capital letter)
  2. to be advised//not connected//no phone//
    none (blank not acceptable)
  3. first year Law (must have all three words)
  4. C
  5. D
Section - 2
Student Banking

Student Banking Listening Answers

  1. Hope Street (must have capitals)
  2. evidence
  3. passport
  4. current/student (account)
  5. chequebook
  1. withdraw//draw (out)//take out
  2. directly from//right out of
  3. permission of/from bank
  4. 4.30 pm or/to 5 pm
Section - 3
FACTSHEET - Aluminium Cans

 FACTSHEET – Aluminium Cans Listening Answers

  1. 300 million
  2. paper clips
  3. magazine pages//pieces of paper//pages
  4. three times
  5. thicker
  1. label
  2. (a) dome
  3. flange (correct spelling)
  4. 25%
  5. scored opening
Section - 4
Purpose of the mini lecture

Purpose of the mini lecture Listening Answers

  1. a university lecture
  2. Sports Studies (programme)
  3. management
  4. top athletes
  5. makes winners//makes them/people win
  6. market forces
  1. (other) leisure activities
  2. entertainment//to be entertained
  3. exercise science
  4. fitness testing//body measurements
  5. cellular research//cellular change//body

Note: The above content is copyrighted by Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Language Assessment. We posted this content at the request of IELTS students.