Cambridge IELTS General 12 test 6 reading answer key

Book 12 general reading test 6 answer

Reading section -1
Lost, damaged or delayed inland mail claim form reading answers
  1. booklet
  2. checklist
  3. website
  4. value
  5. (provide) photograph(s) / photos
  6. (original) packaging
  7. sender
Days out for the family reading answers
  1. A
  2. F
  3. D
  4. B
  5. E
  6. D
  7. E
Reading section- 2
North Sydney council reading answers
  1. indoor (staff/employees)
  2. 3 weeks/three weeks
  3. maternity (leave)
  4. 5 years/five years
  5. pension(s)
  6. (registered) psychologists
Registering as an apprentice reading answers
  1. (written) contract
  2. qualifications/courses
  3. outline/term
  4. (prior) coursework
  5. (employer’s) workforce
  6. journey workers
  7. location
Reading section -3
Crossing the Humber estuary reading answers
  1. vi
  2. ix
  3. vii
  4. iii
  5. ii
  6. iv
  7. viii
  8. integrated
  9. competition
  10. hovercraft(s)
  11. piers
  12. tunnel
  13. concrete